Approaches for Inclusion of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Spiritual Formation Programs.

This study interrogates the approaches for Inclusion of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Spiritual Formation Programs in Kenya. Children living with neurodevelopmental disorders are categorised as special children. These children are at most times excluded from faith formation activities and decision-making, an aspect that greatly affects their development and self-esteem. Nonetheless, such children are likely to have their formation journey in faith halted for lack of participation. The study took an explorative qualitative approach and employed the social model of disability by Oliver (1986), Multiple Intelligence Theory by Howard Gardner (1983), Faith Development theory by Fowler (1981), and Ecosystems Theory by Bronfenbrenner (1979) in explaining children’s spiritual formation.

The study was carried out among selected branches of a mega church in Nairobi. The Mega Church comprises a population of over 50,000 congregants. The accessible population comprised 93 individuals, and judgmental/purposive sampling was used to narrow the sample to 28 participants. The study’s target population was formed by Christian education pastors, Sunday school teachers, senior pastors, children’s pastors, and parents. The process of collecting data was carried out through face-to-face in-depth interviews and focus group discussions and further analysed and presented in themes.

The study findings indicate that in the inclusive spiritual formation of children living with neurodevelopmental disorders, various stakeholders ought to be involved in devising approaches for systematic change at all levels. These results contribute to the body of knowledge through publication and will help stakeholders such as religious institutions on strategies for inclusion of children living with neurodevelopmental disorders, especially as far as the curriculum, learning environments, and approaches to teaching for the formation of children with neurodevelopmental disorders are concerned.

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